Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Obama's Legitamancy As A US Citizen Part 2

Another fine work by a fellow Patriot keeping up the fight for truth, justice and freedom!

To The Congress of the United States of America,
My name is Randall McNeely. I am neither a Democrat or a Republican. Rather, I am an American--one of "We the People" that you have been voted into represent. I am writing this letter out of concern for the welfare of our great nation.
As an average citizen, I have taken the pledge of allegiance which states:
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
I'm committed to that pledge. I love this country and like our Founding Fathers, I pledge my all to preserving our nation. That includes doing everything I legally can to uphold the truths and principles of freedom found both in the Declaration of Independence as well as the United States Constitution.
In the eyes of the law, nevertheless, I am not sworn to defend the United States Constitution. You, however, are.
As it appears that the majority of you have forgotten the oath for both Senators and Representatives, let me quote it for you here.
I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.
You have been voted in to office, in good faith, by "We The People" to represent us. You have sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. You have sworn to bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution, of your own free will, with no mental reservation or purpose of evasion. You have committed to faithfully discharge the duties of your office--so help you God--meaning that you have sworn to do so before God, He being your witness.
Does the United States Constitution sitll matter? Have you been doing your job of defending the U.S. Constitution? If your answer to both of these questions is "yes," how is it that so many questions regarding the qualifications of Barack Hussein Obama, to be President of The United States (POTUS) remain largely unasked and unanswered by the Congress of the United States? What questions? Let me list them for you.
1) Given the following statement in the 39th Congress by the Honorable John Bingham, chief author of the 14th amendment, how does Barack Hussein Obama meet the requirements of "natural born" citizenship, given that his father was a Kenyan, subject to British rule?
"I find no fault with the introductory clause, which is simply declaratory of the what is written in the Constitution, that every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any other sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen ..."
2) Was Barack Hussein Obama born in Hawaii as has been claimed (in two different hospitals, by the way) or was he born in Kenya as his paternal grandmother claims?
3) Is the certification of live birth posted on Mr. Obama's campaign web site real or is it a forgery as has been attested by computer graphics expert Dr. Ron Polarik (name changed for protection) at
4) If Mr. Obama has nothing to hide, why, after John McCain was willing and virtually forced to produce one, does Mr. Obama still refuse to produce a Certificate of Live birth that looks like this:
(picture will be inserted)
As opposed to a certification of live birth, which looks like this:
(picture will be inserted)
There is a difference. A certificate of live birth gives information in much greater detail, including listing the hospital of birth and doctor's signatures. The certification of live birth does not give any of this information. According to Hawaiian statute, it can be obtained in Hawaii for children not born in the state:
"[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State. (a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child."
If there is nothing to hide, wouldn't producing a certificate of live birth put this issue to rest?
5) Did Mr. Obama attend Occidental college as a foreign exchange student?
6) Did Mr. Obama give up his U.S. citizenship when, as a young child, he was adopted as "Barry Soetoro" by his Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, and enrolled in an Indonesian (Muslim) school that could only be attended by Indonesian citizens?
7) On what passport did Mr. Obama travel to Pakistan in 1981, given that Pakistan was under marshall law at the time and no U.S. Citizens were allowed into the country?
8) Is Mr. Obama a legal U.S. citizen? If so, by what process did he regain his citizenship after becoming an Indonesian citizen?
9) Can someone who has given up their U.S. citizenship, then been become a naturalized citizen, if that is indeed what Mr. Obama has done, qualify to be POTUS?
10) If Mr. Obama registered for the Selective Service in 1980, why does his Selective Service System (SSS) registration card have a Document Location Number on it for 2008 and the accompanying SSS printout have one for 1980? Is the form real or a forgery? (See
11) If Mr. Obama desires to be transparent in all his doings, as he has so oft repeated, why has he hired a team of lawyers to fight having to answer any of the above questions or produce the requested documentation. If he has nothing to hide, why not just produce the requested documentation and put this issue to rest?
Esteemed and Honorable Congressmen and Congresswomen, for you ought to be esteemed and honorable, what is the cause of your inaction with regard to these questions? Do you buy into the "Obama is the Messiah" image that many of Mr. Obama's supporters, and even he himself at times, have pushed and you are afraid of offending almighty "O"? Does your negligence stem from the belief that Mr. Obama really is Abraham Lincoln reincarnated, as he has tried to portray, and you figure, "Well, he was already the 16th POTUS, so why do we need to vet him now?" Are you more concerned about what might be viewed as "Politically Correct" or politically expedient than you are about doing what is right? Do you buy into the idea that Americans today must pay for transgressions of past Americans and therefore black Americans deserve a black president because it is their "due", irregardless of whether that person is qualified to be POTUS? Is your disregard for the Constitution, and the oath you have taken, caused by a lust for power and a willingness to do what ever it takes to stay in power, notwithstanding your oath? Would you have "We the People" conclude by your apathy in this matter that you are traitors to your country and in collusion with Mr. Obama to perpetrate the largest hoax on the American people in our 233 year history? What is the cause of your inaction?
Again I ask, "Does the U.S. Constitution Matter?" These are not trivial concerns. These are not fringe questions. These are questions that must be answered if, as Abraham Lincoln stated in his marvelous Gettysburg Address, "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" are to be preserved and "not perish from the earth." This is an all out frontal assault on the U.S. Constitution. By your inaction, you are not only complicit in allowing U.S. Constitution to be shredded before your very eyes, you are also slapping every American in the face and proverbially spitting on the graves of our Founding Fathers and every other American that has died defending our God-given freedoms.
Which side will you come down on? Given the actions already taken by many of you over several years, in pushing forth and passing legislation that you know to be totally unconstitutional, I realize that I am merely talking in the wind by bringing these things to your attention and asking where your loyalties lie. I may as well ask the fox guarding the hen house to be nice to the chickens when he eats them as to ask you to do anything about preserving the U.S. Constitution.
But, to those of you who still have a spark of freedom within you, I ask will you not now rise up, while there is still time, and show yourself true American patriots by working diligently to bring the truth to light? Will you not love your country more than self and live up to your oath of office? Will you show yourselves to have the courageous boldness of our Founding Fathers by being valiant and true to the cause of freedom or will you show yourselves to be cowardly traitors as was Benedict Arnold? If so, have the courage to call for an independent counsel to be established to answers these questions regarding Mr. Obama's eligibility to be POTUS once and for all. If Mr. Obama is proven to be eligible to be POTUS, wonderful, we can put this issue to rest. If he is proven ineligible, then have the courage to remove him from office, put Mr. Biden in as President Pro Tempore until a new election can be organized, and run the new election. Do not allow the enormity of the task to frighten you away from doing your sworn duty!
Again, my name is Randall McNeely. I am an American patriot who loves his country. I am not seeking for power or prestige but rather I seek to preserve our great nation. Like our Founding Fathers, I pledge my all to doing everything legally within my power to uphold the truths and principles of freedom found both in the Declaration of Independence as well as the United States Constitution.
Randall McNeely

1 comment:

  1. Nice... we should all mail in this letter to our Representatives, replacing Randall's name with our own. Maybe that will bring it some attention. The media, mainstream or otherwise, isn't even touching this. How many more "clues" do Americans need concerning Mr Obama's Legitamacy?
